Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Post-Primary Research Write-up - Week 14

Who did you interview/observe/survey? When and where did this activity take place?
The people whom i interviewed were ten random students at the Purdue University Calumet cafeteria area. This activity took place during the day time in between classes. I chose this approach because by doing random selection it eliminated some bias that the survey may have conducted.

Why did you choose this method of research? If you had the opportunity to re-do this field research, would you undertake the same research methods/interviewee/survey/observation?
I felt that this was the most efficient way to go about my method of research. I feel this way because it relates directly to the opinions of those surrounding us, which have shown me how a small average feels about the problem. If i had the opportunity to re-do anything within this survey it would be to appeal to a larger audience and with a larger amount of diversity.

How did you conduct this interview, survey, or observation?Within this interview I made i conducted a survey which I gave out to 10 random people to fill out the three questions in which I provided. The survey was a simple survey in which the people who conducted in the survey were asked to circle whichever one applied most to them based on their own opinions.

What did you learn from this research? How has this (re)shaped the way you think about your topic?
After receiving the information back about the survey conducted, it did give me more information about how people think about the the topic of direct and indirect discrimination. I was not surprised that race was one of the most dominant attributes to workplace discrimination, however I was surprised that when conducting my survey that it went half and half when I asked about if the governments laws and regulations are making a difference.

After conducting a brief field research given out to ten people, I found interesting results to my survey that was conducted. The survey asked three basic questions: Do you find workplace discrimination to be a problem? What is the most problematic type of discrimination at the workplace? Do you think laws are regularly enforced by the government for workplace discrimination? Within the results, eight of the ten people found workplace discrimination to be a problem. For the most problematic type of discrimination, racial discrimination led with six votes, age discrimination with three votes and religious discrimination with one vote. Interestingly enough, the final question was answered half and half with five people saying laws were regulated, while the other five saying they were not. If i had the opportunity to re-do anything within this survey it would be to appeal to a larger audience and with a larger amount of diversity. I felt this approach was one of the easiest and best ways to approach the situation and receive more information for field research over direct and indirect discrimination because it was the easiest way to interact with others about the topic. Another problem however that may be presented is the bias that could have been present in the surveyors answers, with that being whether or not the responses were chosen truthfully or not. While there was only a small amount of questions asked, this information help put together the opinions of what society is most aware of with the major types of discrimination and how they are incorporated within a workplace.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Slideshows and Rhetorical Appeals - Week 13

Within my slideshow, I will try to incorporate all of the rhetorical appeals as well as I possibly can. Pathos will be used within my slideshow by relating it back to how it affects peoples life. For example, due to being discriminated for a reason like race or gender, which is a born trait, a job that may be necessary for living standards will not be achievable. Ethos will be incorporated by showing how it is illogical to discriminate against someone based off of basic attributes about themselves and that it should be based on how well of a worker they are and how well they can get the job done. Logos will be used by having educational and statistical information about the current situation over workplace discrimination and how it is affecting people currently, which I feel will give the viewer a more direct feel towards my slideshow video. While I do plan on using all three types, I feel that ethos and pathos will dominate the slideshow because of the information that is presented within my slideshow and how it relates right back to the illustrations of the slideshow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Collaborative Webzine - Week 12

Within my class, I feel that now that many things have been clarified, we have a better approach of how we are going to finish this webzine in the most successful way possible. At the moment I have not had any worries about using the survivor clause, but know that I can e-mail Mrs. P about any problems or concerns about members of the group. The main concern about my part in the collaborative webzine is making sure to have a second source to market to other than Facebook. Hopefully our current plans will go through smoothly and this will no longer be an issue.

After reviewing the information that Mrs. P posted in my Google Docs, I continued to work on the slideshow. As she was evaluating my slideshow script, I was still in the process of adding the additional information. I was told to make sure to have topic sentences, an appropriate length between 3 and 4 minutes, and to add my APA citations for my references and images. After properly reviewing these directions, I added the information that was necessary to meet these requirements. I thoroughly went through websites to make sure I had appropriate and accurate information for both my references and images, both in which are also in there proper APA format.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Strategies for Expansion and Development - Week 11

For each segment, ask yourself,
  • Do I need more of these to support my idea? I think that by adding more examples may help out my overall direction of where I want the reader to get a full understanding on the position of my stance, as I already provide a good amount of facts and statistics about my topic of workplace discrimination.
  • Would another example help me make my point more clear?Yes, a few more examples about how it targets different races and ethnicities , as well as other attributes can help bring emphasis on how this social problem can relate to people of all different types all over the nation.
  • Have I identified or introduced all the experts to my readers?Yes, I feel that i have appropriately addressed where I received my information and have the correct APA citations to follow accordingly.

  • Have I effectively used statistics in comparison with other statistics?When looking at my web-text, I maybe be able to go out on a source and see if I can find more statistics about my information to give the audience a better overview of the different types of people this social problem is affecting. This may give a better appeal by utilizing the logos approach better than I currently am.
  • Do any of my terms need to be defined for my readers?I feel that my writing is at a point where the reader should be able to read the web-text and be able to clearly understand and interpret what I am saying to the audience of my web-text.
Other questions to ask yourself are,
  • Does each section of my Webtext have a topic sentence or have I only listed the information? After previously revising my information, my paragraphs now have topic sentences that lead into cited information instead of starting my paragraphs with an outside source.
  • Have I explained the significance of any lists I do offer? Within my podcast there are three bullet points describing things that can be done to stop workplace discrimination.
For your visuals in your Webtext, ask
  • Have I created a caption for each of the visuals in my written text and does that caption suggest a relationship between its content and my topic?So far, for my web-text, each of my pictures follow the criteria appropriately.

  • Have I explained all the charts/graphs/images I use to my audience? Yes, the images correspond to the information that is being given within the web-text to give the reader a visual to relate too while reading the information.
  • Have I discussed their significance to my main point or the point of the section?Yes, my main point revolves around the emphasis of working together and stopping the acts of direct and indirect discrimination that is targeted towards those within a company.
Examine the overall structure of your Webtext and ask
  • Do I need a more effective introduction that leads my reader into my main point?For revision, I feel that when addressing my audience I may need to shorten my introduction by including extra information and appropriately placing it in the body of my web-text.
  • Have I effectively broken up my text with appropriate headings reflecting the content of each?Yes, all of my sections are broken apart with the appropriate headings that correspond tot he information that is given.
  • Are my anchor texts leading the reader to additional, meaningful information? Yes, the anchor texts are provided in the appropriate places to give the reader more information that they may be wondering or do not currently know about that particular subtopic, which relates back to the main topic of workplace discrimination.
  • Have I created anchor texts for any definitions I think are necessary? Yes, all anchor texts are provided for any terms that may be confusing to the reader.
  • Have I written a conclusion that does more than summarize my webtext by offering my readers some reflection on the topic and a call to action? Yes, my conclusion summarizes my entire web-text and also has my personal standpoint on the situation, and stresses everyone coming together to solve this social problem once and for all.
  • Have I given my readers enough secondary sources, recommended readings and such, to help them find additional information on my topic? Yes. The additional resources provided will allow the readers to get a basic understanding of the information that provided as well as possibly expanding and learning even more about the topic.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Beginning Phase Three - Week 10

Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying. (n.d.). Swinburne. Retrieved March 23, 2012, from

This website looks into a more detailed approach of discrimination. The discrimination aspect relates back to the workplace, but instead of focusing specifically on just the direct and indirect approaches from attribues, it looks at how those attributes can turn into direct and indirect discrimination based off of harrasing other workers. It provides examples and definitions that help the reader evaluate and get a very good understanding of how harassment plays a role within discrimination. While there is not author, the website in my opinion gives of good facts and definitions and comes from a Educational website. The page looks professional and is not in the format of a blog, but for the mere fact of providing examples and expanding on what is the connection between discrimination and harassment.

Dominguez, C. (2006, April 26). Compliance Manual Section 15: Race and Color Discrimination. US EEOC Policies. Retrieved March 23, 2012, from

This source gives a very in depth detail of the different types of direct and indirect discrimination that takes place. Coming off from the EEOC website, it lists all its policies, rules, and regulations that are fighting against this type of horrid discrimination in companies towards employment each and everyday. This is a credible website which can be seen on the .gov part of the website URL. It provides accurate information from Cari Dominguez and it comes from a credible, government ran corporation. It has been maintained with the laws and it is not older than ten years which shows that it has a pretty good time span for currency as well.

Possible Images:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Research Protocal - Week 9 (Spring Break)

For my field research for my web-zine, I am interested in finding out the feelings of opinions by others as it relates directly to those who have a working job and whether or not they have witnessed or have been a part of any type of workplace discrimination from a manager, supervisor, or employee. The best approach to this is creating a survey that will allow those who wish to participate in it to answer questions regarding this social problem. I plan on being able to give my survey out to a variety of different people to view different opinions and solutions implemented by those of different age groups, genders, and races, as discrimination may be more or less severe for specific attributes.  I am going to conduct this survey to get a better opinion on what others feel workplace discrimination applies to, if it has ever affected their life directly or indirectly, and possible solutions that others come up with as well. By looking at these aspects will help provide more emphasis on how to solve the social problem when looking at the survey as a group.  I will conduct my survey by typing up a survey sheet and pass it out to those randomly to eliminate the possibility of a bias based survey. After receiving feedback from those within different areas, such as getting results back from those on the Purdue University Calumet campus and other common populated areas that are willing to give me an accurate feedback to my survey. I am hoping to further know what people feel about this social problem, their own personal ideas to overcome this social problem, and if their responses relates to my ideas that I have suggested as well  within my podcast.

Podcast Evaluation - Week 8

Part 1: When analyzing the comments of my peer reviewers, Cesia and Ashley, I have found that I have made small mistakes that I personally have caught myself making as well. Cesia's comments focused on our positives and how I had a strong voice in terms of sound. She suggested that I need to add sincerity to my podcast and by doing so will help make my podcast sound less like it is being read directly from a script. Ashley posted similar comments regarding a positive tone of voice, but emphasized that I started to speed read which affected the overall delivery of my podcast, causing me to freeze up and loose my tone of voice from spot to spot. These mistakes should not be too difficult to polish and make better by adding confidence within my tone of voice, speaking at a consistent speed instead of speed reading, and by reading over my podcast script a few times before actually recording will allow me to get rid of stuttering and pauses within my final podcast. By practicing and hearing my voice, I am allowing myself to hear my flaws in my voice, which allows me to do the proper revisions that are needed for my final podcast.

Part 2: When looking at the text of a podcast versus a essay written paper, i feel that a podcast text sends off a more direct feeling to it. The way it is written is made to directly affect the reader. I feel that it creates more emotion because it also sends off more of a personal feel to it, as a essay written paper provides a lot more factual information revolving around the paper. While this type of writing is important too, I feel that of ethos, pathos and logos, pathos is more directly used within a podcast text more so than within an essay written paper.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Key Word Combinations - Week 7

1. Keywords: Direct and Indirect and "Workplace Discrimination"
BibInfo: Badget, M.V., (1995). Indstrial and Labor Relations Review. Cornell University. Vol 48. 726-739

This article was very helpful in terms of my research. It gave in great detail exactly what is direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, and how it relates to my social problem as a whole. It provides very good details that go a long by providing examples of each type of act of discrimination, such as against age, race, gender, etc. It also provides brief definitions and explanations. This source, out of the other three, seem to be much more accurate with information, however the currency of the article is a bit questionable due to the year that it was posted.

2. Keywords: Problems Employee Unequal  Discriminated
Using: AND
BibInfo: Unequal Discrimination. (2005). Syncrat Publishing. Retrieved from

This article provided information about specific problems that employees go through and how it classifies as discrimination. This website, like the previous, also gives a good overflow of this topic, and even gives questions to work with and analyze for oneself. This article is the most current of the three articles and does seem to have good information, however; it does not come from a very credible source (google) and for my research I would look elsewhere and possibly find similar information, but would have reinsurance over my findings of my information.

3.  Keywords: Employment and Unfair and Treatment
using: AND
BibInfo: Kickul, J. (2001). When organizations break their promises: Employee reactions to unfair processes and treatment. Journal of business ethics. Vol 29(4). 289-307.

This article was about organizations and how they did not receive what they were entitled to. This caused an outbreak and relates to whether or not this is direct discrimination or indirect discrimination, and helps me get a better understanding of real life situations and how employers can disrespect their employees and do things that they are not supposed to legally be allowed to do. This source is credible, it comes from the Purdue University Calumet library database and is a peer reviewed journal. The date is a little pushed back, but is still within about a ten year length and would be more credible than if it were in the late 1990's.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Summarized Peer-review Comments - Week 6

After reviewing the comments of my instructor and peer reviewer, I know some of the mistakes that i need to review over to make my web-text the best that it can be. Within my web-text, i will look at my APA formatting of all my references to fix up any small problems that are missing so that i will have the proper citations. My instructor has let me know that my sources look good, so knowing i found credible, accurate sources is not a worry.

My instructor also made it clear to make sure I include such things as responses to my articles, which I do provide briefly within my web-text, but have surrounding information of facts to present my unbiased opinion. My peer reviewer ensured me that the set up of my web-text was easy to read and presented anchor texts, hyperlinks, related links, citations, and proper information that the audience will be able to follow a long with.
Feedback from several people have allowed me to look further within my web-text, replace any mistakes that have been found, and work to my ability to make it a well-rounded web-text full of information about my topic of workplace discrimination.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Conference/The Big Picture - Week 5

A.) For the most part, i believe that the class is going well for myself. The only main question that I am concerned about is if my research questions are okay to be used for my web-text about workplace discrimination. Once i have a better knowledge that I am okay to proceed with my project I will be able to work more in-depth on my web-text and outline assignment.

B.) 1. Picture One: Extreme weather hits Europe. Picture Two: Syria fighting continues.

2. I chose the "Extreme weather hits Europe" picture.

3.  Colors are separated into different groups. Certain colors represent different types of feelings.
  • Red represents a hot, mad, and devilish type of feeling.
  • Yellow presents a feeling of caution. It sends off a more negative vibe.
  • Blue sends off a cool, honest feeling. It is said to correlate to those who are trustworthy and responsible.
  • Orange is a friendly, good-feeling color that sends off a positive vibe.
  • Green is also another friendly color, it corresponds to lively and freshness.
  • Purple represents a higher ranking within society, such as being wealthy or of a royal family.
  • Gray is a dull, gloomy color. It sends of a bland and neutral feeling.
  • Black is an extreme color that sends off an several unpleasant feelings such as fear, sadness, and evil feeling. It corresponds to deaths in several situations as well.
  • White is also an extreme, but is the opposite of black. It is associated with the feeling of being pure, and it corresponds in many happy occasions, such as a wedding.
  • Pink corresponds to a sweetness feeling. It is a calming color.
  • Brown relates to the earth and how it relates to the things that are made up in nature.
Different types of color schemes
  • Monochromatic is ONE color, using only one hue with all the same shades and tints.
  • Neutral colors contain primary colors, which consists of the colors like black and white.
  • Analogous colors are found to each other on the color wheel. For instance: green, blue, and purple are found to be right next to one another on the color wheel.
  • Warm colors are colors like red, orange, yellow. They resemble a fire and appear closer than other colors.
  • Cool colors are colors like blue, purple, and green. They resemble images that fall further way.
  • Complementary colors are colors that are across from one another on the color wheel. High intensity complements draw a strong feeling to the picture. Examples of complementary colors are red and green, yellow and purple, and blue and orange.

  • Primary colors- Red, Yellow Blue
  • Secondary colors- Orange, Green, Purple
  • Intermediate colors- mixed primary and secondary colors.

The Different effects to colors effect colors in different ways. By giving a specific type of effect can give off a better attention getter for the viewer of the artwork. Building emphasis builds dominance, unity gives the artwork a meaning "as a whole", which is saying that it gives the picture a meaning altogether. Movement of the picture creates a certain type of feeling. Rhythm of a picture creates an illusion with the eyes which can either be random, regular, alternating, flowing, or progressive.

4. Content Analysis- Within the image, i see a person who is surrounded by ice. The ice seems to be frozen over a window. The image is representing the extreme weather that Europe is undergoing this winter season. There is one person in the image, and they are being represented by showing that they are in pain from the freezing temperatures. This is portrayed through the person being bundled up in what appears to be a jacket and hat behind the frozen window. To me, I personally only see this picture in the way just previously described, however; other people may view the picture in other ways. I think the image sends off a strong message and really tries to show how cold the weather is this time of year within Europe and how they are going through very hard measures with the extremely cold weather.

Visual Analysis- The background of the picture is the person, with the focus of the foreground being the ice surround the person to really send off the extreme pain of the cold. The most important element of this picture is the frozen ice because it makes up the message being sent. The color being used is lighter colors, with darkness surrounding the actual person from the clothing being worn. The image may be looked at being taken place in a different location so to speak opposed to it being through a window, which is my personal opinion. The design choices bring out the harshness of the winters, it sends a very strong message to the viewer of the artwork with the sharp looking icicles surrounding most of the picture.

Contextual Information- Information that accompanies the picture is talking about how Europe is experiencing frigid temperatures that most were not expected to see. It goes more in depth about how villages are experiencing cut offs and several deaths are surrounding the incident. When reading throughout the entire text, it does give me another outlook on the picture and how possibly it could be someone actually frozen within the ice, as it puts several emphasis about how many homeless people had been found frozen outside. I believe that the image itself is viewed differently by other people but the text helps give a better focus on what the viewer should have in his or her head and how it the picture connects to the caption that is given about Europe's extreme weather conditions.

C.) Podcast: Communications is one of the most important keys to success. Several philosophers in the past gave us the factors of how we make up communication today. Aristotle's "On Rhetoric" explains the three elements of ethos, pathos, and logos.  Logos is an appeal based on logic and reason. Ethos is the persuasiveness of ones character, meaning you need to be knowledgeable and have credibility. Pathos is an appeal based on emotion, which is the surprisingly most complex of the three elements. Prepare for who is your audience, make an outline, analyze sentence structures. Practice communication by going over all parts that are to be presented.

Prompt B, Rhetorical Analysis: The purpose of this article online is to show the outcomes of what drunk driving can do not only to oneself but also to others. In the article it showed a group of pictures with captions going on about how Jacqueline Saburido was a beautiful girl and how in just one night everything was destroyed. She was in a car accident with a drunk driver and her car set fire, burning her skin and changing her life forever. This article targets anyone who currently drinks and drives, has ever thought about drinking  and driving, and even to those who drink by showing the potential outcome of another persons life by making one poor decision. The article goes on by showing a very emotional appeal by showing how it has affected Jacqueline, her family and friends, and the drunk driver. From their personal experience, it is trying to show others that similar or worse occurrences can happen if driving while intoxicated. If trying to refute this text, you could present a case where there are several people who have successfully driven while under the influence with nothing happening, however; I do not personally agree with that statement. The text is very enhanced by giving pictures to go with the story, by adding even more pictures that are up to date and show that she will never be how she used to be may send a strong impact to those who view the article. Also, by involving more similar stories of people who, unfortunately, were in car accidents from drunk drivers and died may show that alcohol can lead to a death of another person.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Credible Resources - Week 4

Parponaris, A., Teyssier, L., & Ventelou, B. (2010). Elsevier. ScienceDirect. Retrieved from

This specific article takes patients who had recently had the struggle of cancer and explains the hard times of the work force. The article states, "Age, education level, income at diagnosis, work contract, professional status, affective support, relative prognosis at diagnosis, tumor site and treatment have contrasting impacts upon the probability of job loss across gender. Even after having controlled for these variables, self-reported workplace discrimination increases the probability of job loss by 15%" (Parponaris, 2010) It goes on by explaining the hard times that these cancer patients had experienced when trying to reenter the workforce and how the act of workplace discrimination had taken place. This article i found was off of the Purdue University online database. I searched the database under full-online text and peer reviewed journals to ensure that the article was credible

Ragins, B. R., & Cornwell, J. M. (2012). PsychARTICLES. American Psychology Association. Retrieved  from

An article from APA PsycNET explained how sexual orientation also came into play. It was describing how over 500 gays and lesbians had been effected in the workplace and were being treated unfairly. The article goes on to state that "perceived discrimination was associated with negative work attitudes and fewer promotions." (Ragins, 2012) This is just one of the many examples of how people take a classification such as orientation and use it against someone to discriminate against them. This type of activity is cruel and unreasonable to everyone around the world. This article was found on Google Scholars and is credible and provides accurate information.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Topic Definition Statement - Week 3

1. The key question: What is workplace discrimination and how to prove it?
Subquestions: Who does workplace discrimination affect? Under what different types of circumstances does it affect others? What laws are in act to prohibit such discrimination at a workplace?

2. (a.) Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination: Questions and Answers. (2009). US EEOC. Retrieved from

(b.) Roscigno, Vincent J. (2007). The Face of Discrimination: How race and gender impact work and home lives. Retrieved from CA&ved=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=discrimination&f=false

Currency: These articles are current and resourceful, with both articles dating no farther back than 5 years before the current year of 2012.
Authority: Authority of this book is valid, with the website article chosen being a .gov and providing very detailed information, and the book also being more descriptive and not bias.
Purpose: The purpose of this article and this book is to get a better understanding of discrimination and then apply that to workplace discrimination, and better understand how different people are being affected.
Objectivity: There is a high about of objectivity because the bias within the readings are informational and not trying to persuade the reader one way or another.
Writing style: Both are informative, in the style of a book and the other in the style of a website.

Claims: Claims of fact because it is giving factual information about the subject.
Evidence: The book and article are credible, sufficient, and accurate. It provided an easy way to follow the information, the information is still not very outdated by keeping it within a 5 year range of the information originally being posted, and does not have a bias opinion stated within the article or book, but simply factual information that can be used to help reinforce workplace discrimination one way or the other.
Purpose: To better understand workplace discrimination, what can be done to stop it, and what is already in act to stop this horrible act of discrimination.
Audience: Those who are discriminated within a workplace or who are looking to put a end to workplace discrimination.
Genre: Informative Articles.

3. The topic of workplace discrimination is a very interesting topic to not only myself, but to others as well. As many know, discrimination in general is one of the leading social problems within the United States. Achieving a job to begin to work and earn a salary is an ideal goal for most citizens of the country. Achieving this goal, as well as maintaining that job, sometimes because flawed in the way of workplace discrimination. Workplace discrimination affects people of different sex by seeing a majority of only one particular sex being hired, different age requirements, and even coming around to those who practice a different religion. Whether it be trying to obtain the job or while working on the job, workplace discrimination happens in several different areas such as being hired, being fired, equal pay rights, retirement, and specific reasons for leave of absence. I believe that those who have previous interaction with discrimination in a workplace would find this topic very interesting, as well as those who have faced discrimination in other areas as well. By working together and facing off against the cruel act of workplace discrimination, people can receive the remedies of benefits that are entitled to them and look to further try to make sure that discrimination does not exploit race, gender, sex, or religious values in the future.

Friday, January 27, 2012

A further look into Discrimination - Week 2

Discrimination is a social problem that affects a wide variety of people world wide. This particular social problem affects me because i have a wide diversity of friends that believe in different religious, are a different race, and even have a different sexual orientation than i do. While i do not face any strong from of discrimination towards myself, my friends are very important within my life. By seeing them unhappy and treated unfairly makes me upset about the topic of discrimination.

My main question about discrimination is why does it occur? Looking into this social problem in more depth, there are several other revolving questions that come into action. Do people who discriminate others typically receive discrimination towards themselves by other people? I also looked into how the social problem effects another social problem of people struggling within a workplace. What type of discrimination happens between employed employee's and those who are being constructed an interview to possibly be hired?

I started to come up with some questions that also would contribute towards others opinions as well. What is the most powerful form of discrimination? What can we do to help stop discrimination of all types? These questions vary person by person by being open-ended questions but help each person truly think about different problems and come up with different perspectives on how to stop discrimination towards others once and for all.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Social Problems: Discrimination - Week 1

Under the main theme of social problems in America, one main topic that sticks out to me is discrimination. Discrimination is made against different types of people, whether it be for age, sex, race, religious background, and peoples way of living. In other words, discrimination is a way to show that someone is judging you poorly and treating you unequally. For example, there are several instances of discrimination like how previously women did not receive the same rights as men. Discrimination in sex is something very current as many gay couples fight for the right to be legally married. Discrimination can even be made into hate crimes which several religious organizations create towards another religious group or event. There are several public areas where discrimination plays an unfair role in society, such as within a workplace.
 A few questions that i was unsure about discrimination are as follows: How does discrimination happen in a workplace, such as employment of workers? How does discrimination effect others or oneself? What should someone do if they experience discrimination against oneself?
The main topics that I find interesting about these topics include workplace discrimination, help with discrimination, and effects of discrimination. Someone who finds this particular information useful may be someone who has experienced discrimination personally through a previously acquired job or under an interview for employment for a job.