Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Research Protocal - Week 9 (Spring Break)

For my field research for my web-zine, I am interested in finding out the feelings of opinions by others as it relates directly to those who have a working job and whether or not they have witnessed or have been a part of any type of workplace discrimination from a manager, supervisor, or employee. The best approach to this is creating a survey that will allow those who wish to participate in it to answer questions regarding this social problem. I plan on being able to give my survey out to a variety of different people to view different opinions and solutions implemented by those of different age groups, genders, and races, as discrimination may be more or less severe for specific attributes.  I am going to conduct this survey to get a better opinion on what others feel workplace discrimination applies to, if it has ever affected their life directly or indirectly, and possible solutions that others come up with as well. By looking at these aspects will help provide more emphasis on how to solve the social problem when looking at the survey as a group.  I will conduct my survey by typing up a survey sheet and pass it out to those randomly to eliminate the possibility of a bias based survey. After receiving feedback from those within different areas, such as getting results back from those on the Purdue University Calumet campus and other common populated areas that are willing to give me an accurate feedback to my survey. I am hoping to further know what people feel about this social problem, their own personal ideas to overcome this social problem, and if their responses relates to my ideas that I have suggested as well  within my podcast.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds promising, but please make sure I review your survey before you begin administering it.
