Friday, April 13, 2012

Slideshows and Rhetorical Appeals - Week 13

Within my slideshow, I will try to incorporate all of the rhetorical appeals as well as I possibly can. Pathos will be used within my slideshow by relating it back to how it affects peoples life. For example, due to being discriminated for a reason like race or gender, which is a born trait, a job that may be necessary for living standards will not be achievable. Ethos will be incorporated by showing how it is illogical to discriminate against someone based off of basic attributes about themselves and that it should be based on how well of a worker they are and how well they can get the job done. Logos will be used by having educational and statistical information about the current situation over workplace discrimination and how it is affecting people currently, which I feel will give the viewer a more direct feel towards my slideshow video. While I do plan on using all three types, I feel that ethos and pathos will dominate the slideshow because of the information that is presented within my slideshow and how it relates right back to the illustrations of the slideshow.

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