Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Credible Resources - Week 4

Parponaris, A., Teyssier, L., & Ventelou, B. (2010). Elsevier. ScienceDirect. Retrieved from

This specific article takes patients who had recently had the struggle of cancer and explains the hard times of the work force. The article states, "Age, education level, income at diagnosis, work contract, professional status, affective support, relative prognosis at diagnosis, tumor site and treatment have contrasting impacts upon the probability of job loss across gender. Even after having controlled for these variables, self-reported workplace discrimination increases the probability of job loss by 15%" (Parponaris, 2010) It goes on by explaining the hard times that these cancer patients had experienced when trying to reenter the workforce and how the act of workplace discrimination had taken place. This article i found was off of the Purdue University online database. I searched the database under full-online text and peer reviewed journals to ensure that the article was credible

Ragins, B. R., & Cornwell, J. M. (2012). PsychARTICLES. American Psychology Association. Retrieved  from

An article from APA PsycNET explained how sexual orientation also came into play. It was describing how over 500 gays and lesbians had been effected in the workplace and were being treated unfairly. The article goes on to state that "perceived discrimination was associated with negative work attitudes and fewer promotions." (Ragins, 2012) This is just one of the many examples of how people take a classification such as orientation and use it against someone to discriminate against them. This type of activity is cruel and unreasonable to everyone around the world. This article was found on Google Scholars and is credible and provides accurate information.

1 comment:

  1. You have clear summaries of your sources, but no responses to the articles?
