Friday, February 3, 2012

Topic Definition Statement - Week 3

1. The key question: What is workplace discrimination and how to prove it?
Subquestions: Who does workplace discrimination affect? Under what different types of circumstances does it affect others? What laws are in act to prohibit such discrimination at a workplace?

2. (a.) Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination: Questions and Answers. (2009). US EEOC. Retrieved from

(b.) Roscigno, Vincent J. (2007). The Face of Discrimination: How race and gender impact work and home lives. Retrieved from CA&ved=0CFwQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=discrimination&f=false

Currency: These articles are current and resourceful, with both articles dating no farther back than 5 years before the current year of 2012.
Authority: Authority of this book is valid, with the website article chosen being a .gov and providing very detailed information, and the book also being more descriptive and not bias.
Purpose: The purpose of this article and this book is to get a better understanding of discrimination and then apply that to workplace discrimination, and better understand how different people are being affected.
Objectivity: There is a high about of objectivity because the bias within the readings are informational and not trying to persuade the reader one way or another.
Writing style: Both are informative, in the style of a book and the other in the style of a website.

Claims: Claims of fact because it is giving factual information about the subject.
Evidence: The book and article are credible, sufficient, and accurate. It provided an easy way to follow the information, the information is still not very outdated by keeping it within a 5 year range of the information originally being posted, and does not have a bias opinion stated within the article or book, but simply factual information that can be used to help reinforce workplace discrimination one way or the other.
Purpose: To better understand workplace discrimination, what can be done to stop it, and what is already in act to stop this horrible act of discrimination.
Audience: Those who are discriminated within a workplace or who are looking to put a end to workplace discrimination.
Genre: Informative Articles.

3. The topic of workplace discrimination is a very interesting topic to not only myself, but to others as well. As many know, discrimination in general is one of the leading social problems within the United States. Achieving a job to begin to work and earn a salary is an ideal goal for most citizens of the country. Achieving this goal, as well as maintaining that job, sometimes because flawed in the way of workplace discrimination. Workplace discrimination affects people of different sex by seeing a majority of only one particular sex being hired, different age requirements, and even coming around to those who practice a different religion. Whether it be trying to obtain the job or while working on the job, workplace discrimination happens in several different areas such as being hired, being fired, equal pay rights, retirement, and specific reasons for leave of absence. I believe that those who have previous interaction with discrimination in a workplace would find this topic very interesting, as well as those who have faced discrimination in other areas as well. By working together and facing off against the cruel act of workplace discrimination, people can receive the remedies of benefits that are entitled to them and look to further try to make sure that discrimination does not exploit race, gender, sex, or religious values in the future.


  1. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this is nice. Good job Kyle Browntown.

  2. Your sources look great, but you should double-check your APA format. You're missing a few elements.
