Friday, January 27, 2012

A further look into Discrimination - Week 2

Discrimination is a social problem that affects a wide variety of people world wide. This particular social problem affects me because i have a wide diversity of friends that believe in different religious, are a different race, and even have a different sexual orientation than i do. While i do not face any strong from of discrimination towards myself, my friends are very important within my life. By seeing them unhappy and treated unfairly makes me upset about the topic of discrimination.

My main question about discrimination is why does it occur? Looking into this social problem in more depth, there are several other revolving questions that come into action. Do people who discriminate others typically receive discrimination towards themselves by other people? I also looked into how the social problem effects another social problem of people struggling within a workplace. What type of discrimination happens between employed employee's and those who are being constructed an interview to possibly be hired?

I started to come up with some questions that also would contribute towards others opinions as well. What is the most powerful form of discrimination? What can we do to help stop discrimination of all types? These questions vary person by person by being open-ended questions but help each person truly think about different problems and come up with different perspectives on how to stop discrimination towards others once and for all.

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